SummaryThe AP-1 Apogee Recorder is a single-board solution for determining how high a rocket or model airplane flies.
At only 12mm across, this board can fit into even the smallest Estes rockets and model airplanes, measuring altitude up to 30,000 feet above sea level.
At the heart of the board is a Atmel AtTiny 1614 microcontroller, that runs the OptiBoot bootloader so it can be programmed like an Arduino.
The SPL06-007 precision barometer is accurate to +/-5cm, since each one is individually calibrated and contains a 24 bit ADC converter.
Over 80 flights can be logged in the EEPROM of the AtTiny, and retrieved via USB. For quick in-the-field measurements, an onboard LED will flash out the altitude of the last flight.
To prevent write wear of the EEPROM, the software will automatically level-balance the writing to EEPROM, allowing for more than 1 million flights before memory wear. In addition, the board will not begin recording a flight until it has detected a liftoff.
The board can be powered off of any DC power source from 3.5 to 5.5 volts. On a small 100mah LiPo battery, the board can be flown over 100 times before needing a recharge.